Ascent Possibilities
Railway Station Sebeş-Olt
Country road 4km - Sebeşu de Sus (466 m) - hiking trail on the "Moaşei" Ridge
- Suru Hut.
Estimated time: 4 - 4 ½ h (in the summer)
Railway Station Sebeş
Country road 4km Sebeşu de Sus (466 m) - forest road through Moaşei Valley until the end of the road (aprox. 6km)
- hiking trail past the "Sebesului" Waterfalls - Suru Chalet.
Estimated time: 4h (in the summer)
Avrig Valley
From Avrig on the country road 9 km to the "Jibrii" Bridge - follow the trail sign to the right through the "Moașa Avrigului" Valley another 7 km along the forest road toward Florii Spring: bridge over "Moasa Avrigului" River - cross hiking trail
- Suru Hut.
Estimated time: 5 ½ - 6 h (in the summer without car)
Turnu Roșu
Forest road 4 km - Turnu Rosu Monastery - Saua Corbului (Suru’s Saddle) (1568 m)
- below the "Moasei" Peak northwards
- Suru Hut.
Estimated time: 6h (in the summer)
Ascent Possibilities form the Hut
Suru Chalet - Suru Peak
Suru Chalet - Monument - Caldarea Gavanul (Gavan’s Cauldron) - Saua Surului (Suru’s Saddle) - unmarked footpath to Suru Peak.
Estimated time: 2 ½- 3 h (in summer)
Suru Chalet - Tataru Peak
Poteca de la Cabana Suru - Monument -
bifurcata de dupa monument - poteca turistica pe Muchia Moasei pana intersectam poteca crestei principale
- mentinem creasta spre Vest si din dreptul stanei spre nord, urcam pe varful Tataru Duration: 3 - 3h 1/2 (Vara )
Suru Chalet - Barcaciu Cottage
Suru Chalet - Monument - Caldarea Gavanul (Gavan’s Cauldron) - Saua Corbului (Suru’s Saddle) - cross
Main Ridge path- keep the Ridge to the East - over Budislavu Peak - to Avrig Lake - down on blue circle path to Barcaciu Cottage.
Estimated time: 6 ½ - 7 ½ h (summer path)
Suru Chalet - Greblesti
Suru Chalet - Monument -
Caldarea Gavanul (Gavan’s Cauldron) - Saua Corbului (Suru’s Saddle) - cross
Main Ridge path - keep the Ridge to the West to Saua Apa Cumpanita (Apa Cumpanita Saddle) - down East on Cotii Edge (low marked path) - keep the edge to Greblesti Village.
Estimated time: 6 - 7 ½ h (in summer)